When I was little, I was in Girl Scouts (well, I was a Daisy and a Brownie--then the whole group switched to 4-H). We used to sit in a circle and sing this song:
Make new friends
But keep the old
One is silver
And the other gold
I was singing it this morning and finally figured out why--I made new friends last night.
How does this really apply to baby-making and baby-wanting, you ask? Well, it makes me happy. I feel like I've gotten into this rut of going to work, coming home (sometimes via the gym), cooking dinner, then sitting on the couch for the entire evening with DH, just staring at the TV. I love the time we spend together, I really do. But getting out of the house was good for me last night. Of course, DH had an awful day and that really sucked for him...but I was doing something good for me. And I think I need to start doing more for me.
So this blog has been all about preparing for a baby and I realize now that I need to take better care of my mental health as well as my physical health. Basically, I need to be better to ME. And that's something I haven't done on a regular basis in a long time. So I'm going to start going to book clubs more regularly, going to game nights, making new friends (but of course, keeping the old...), exercising whether DH wants to or not, dealing (shopping at Target & CVS) and revisiting my old hobbies.
Along the lines of the old hobbies...I'm a crafter. Not nearly as much so as some people I know, but I love to cross-stitch, knit, paint, scrapbook...you name a craft and I've probably tried it and have some supplies for it in a room. I think I want to get back into knitting because of the book we read for book club--I miss it. So tonight I'm going to go to JoAnn's and pick out a new pattern and start something for me--not a baby blanket for someone else or something, but maybe a blanket for me...or maybe I'll get a cross-stitch pattern that I can put in our house. :)
So this is going to be my focus for a bit--going to chat with DH tonight about it and hope that we can find some stuff that he loves that he can do to make himself happy, too. I think it can only make us stronger in our relationship and as future parents.
Unexpected gifts
1 week ago