All winter long I've been reading on Facebook, message boards, and email about friends and their kids who have been stricken by stomach bugs. Most of the kids at the sitter have gone down with a stomach bug of some kind. I've said prayers. I've been anxious, which is a major understatement. I've gotten nauseous myself. And we've made it most of the winter.
Baby Boy had a small stomach bug on Christmas Day--he got sick a few times within a couple of hours and then that was it. He also had a bug almost 3 weeks ago--again, he got sick some overnight, but was fine the next day. He continued with some diarrhea, but I think (thought?) that it was caused by the antibiotic he was on for his double ear infection. It really wasn't a huge deal with hindsight, of course. In the moment, it felt like the end of the world.
(If you don't want a play-by-play of sickness, just skip the rest of this post. I would if I weren't the one writing it because just reading posts by other people about stomach bugs makes me anxious and feel like I'm going to catch it via the interwebs. You've been warned.)
However. Now Baby Girl is sick. She woke up vomiting overnight Friday night and came into our room. The Hubby took her to the living room where they hung out and she threw up the rest of the night. She tried eating some applesauce and it came right back up, which was the last time she got sick on Saturday morning at 8 a.m. She was low-energy for the rest of the day while I entertained Baby Boy in the basement and running errands, then she ate some macaroni and cheese for dinner Saturday night and seemed to feel which time, The Hubby noticed that she had a fever.
Her temperature stayed around 102 for the rest of Sunday, but besides a two-and-a-half hour nap on the couch 10:30-1, she acted relatively normally. We went outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather for a couple of hours and you'd never know she was running a fever. Her temp was down to a little over 100 by bedtime that night and she'd eaten a good dinner, so we figured she'd be feeling good this morning (Monday).
Baby Girl woke up feeling good. She had no fever and ate two bowls of cereal. Everything seemed normal until naptime.
I was downstairs enjoying a little bit of alone time. I'd gotten Baby Boy to sleep and Baby Girl was laying quietly in her bed. The fact that she didn't fall asleep seemed like a good sign to me. Then I heard her pitter patter to the bathroom and heard her ask me to come wipe her tushy. I knew immediately that she had diarrhea. As soon as I got her back to bed, her brother woke up. She was back in the bathroom a few minutes later, at which time I told her to just get on up. She still seemed fine. She and her brother played with their train table and some other toys for awhile. She kept coughing and running to the bathroom, thinking that she was going to "spit up", but nothing happened.
And then it did happen. She got sick again. I called The Hubby and asked him to come home from work. After she got sick, she wanted a hard-boiled egg, which only Daddy can make, so he cooked her one when he got home. She seemed to be feeling fine. However, about five minutes after eating the egg, it came right back up. And again.
So now we wait. We wait to see who else will get it and when. We wait to see how long it takes Baby Girl to recover. We wait to see how long this goes on. We wait to see whether we can keep the baby healthy. We wait....
Unexpected gifts
1 week ago
Oh no. Just...oh no. I hope she's feeling better really quickly, and that it somehow passes the rest of you by. I'm so, so sorry. And to think you made it all the way to March...
I know she will be better soon!
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