Every evening after dinner, we enter my favorite time of night. The Hubby gets Baby Boy into his jammies and the four of us snuggle up on the couch together with only a couple of lamps lit. We read a couple of books, then Baby Boy gives his daddy and sister hugs. I pick him up and he immediately starts to wave at The Hubby and Baby Girl. We walk to the bottom of the steps and turn around to look at them and blow them kisses. Baby Boy currently just makes kissy faces and doesn't do the hand part, but it's still adorable. Then he starts to wave some more and he and I head upstairs to my dark bedroom. I sit in my bed, holding him, and he nurses in the dark. This all started because he was so distracted when nursing downstairs with the TV on (my chosen nursing location for Baby Girl) and I was anxious about sitting in silence, with no TV, no electronics, nothing but my baby and my thoughts.
Instead, it's turned into my favorite part of the night. I spend that time talking to God and memorizing the feeling of having my baby in my arms. I know from experience that our nursing relationship will end all too soon and I'll miss it. So for now I'm going to take the time to really enjoy it, to think about it and nothing else.
Unexpected gifts
1 week ago
1 comment:
Oh, I love this. Love.
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