Baby Boy's first set of molars (or pre-molars?) has cut through--teeth #9 and #10. The first was upper left and I *think* the bottom left is now through. He doesn't let me get in there as readily as Baby Girl did. I haven't gotten a chance to check on the other side, but based on both of my kids' teething history, it'll be awhile longer before the other side comes through. My kids are pretty lopsided with teething.
As for talking (just throwing a few short posts into one to make it more worthwhile), Baby Boy still isn't talking. Everything he says starts with the "g" sound. He will say "mamamama", but I'm still not entirely sure if he's saying it to me. If he is, he just started within the last couple of days. When we sit down to dinner, we pray ("talk to God") before we eat, so now when we get sat down, he'll say "gah" and reach his hands out to hold ours. It's pretty adorable. And this morning in the car he saw a truck and pointed at it and I said, "That's a big truck. BIG truck." He responded with something like "guh". He is trying to make some animals noises, but all animals either 1) quack, 2) make an elephant noise or 3) growl (most growl). I've been trying to get him to moo for months now, but to no avail. Baby Boy calls The Hubby "guh". It's a consistent sound, but definitely not a word and nowhere near "Daddy". I don't know when to worry, honestly. I talked to a friend who is a SLP and she gave me some tips of things that I can do to help him verbalize, so I've been making an effort. I'm sure the pediatrician will ask at his 15 month appointment on the 31st, so I'm starting to get a little anxious because of that. He absolutely understands us, though, and is really good at communicating without actually using words between pointing, some sign language, and grunting. I'm sure he'll get there and I'm doing a better job than normal not freaking out.
Unexpected gifts
1 week ago
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