Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I received the following comment on one of my recent posts:
I am glad to see your updates...b/c honestly you're blogging has taught me tons, so when it wasn't there, I was missin' it..

This made me feel so good--thanks, Amy! So, I thought I'd add a post welcoming ANY questions that anyone has about TTC or even just about me. I'm an open book and am very, very happy that this blog is serving a purpose other than just a place for me to vent!

I have spent a bit of time learning about TTC over the last year or so. I started out lurking on Babies on the Brain, a board on The Nest. After awhile, I felt like I had a good handle on things, so I started lurking elsewhere. I ended up finding the Trouble Trying to Conceive board and have learned a TON of things about fertility treatments there, which, in turn has taught me a lot of general TTC things. I ended up reading Taking Charge of Your Ferility, as well, to learn a lot about charting. Then I started charting back in December 2007 and have learned a lot about my own body and my body's tendencies from there.

I drove by myself to work today. This is significant because that means I wasn't chatting with DH on the drive and it gave me time to think. More specifically, it gave me time to pray. I haven't prayed regularly in a loooong time, but have been making a point to do it whenever I'm in the car alone. I prayed for all the people I know who are sick or hurting (emotionally and physically) and then took the time to thank God for my fortunes. All that then led me to start considering why I ended up lurking on the TTTC board and why I was drawn there. I decided that it could be one of four reasons. Either 1) God wanted to help me inform myself about TTC, 2) God wanted to prepare me for something to come in my future, 3) God wanted to make me a better friend to the people I know who are going through/have gone through fertility treatments or 4) God wanted to help me appreciate the fact that it's only been 4 failed cycles for us. Only time will tell which (if not all of these) will be true, but it really gave me something to think about (and pray about).


Kristen said...

I'm so glad that you are learning. Knowledge is the best power you have when trying to conceive! You are informed and know what to look for, and that is great. I hope you don't have permantently stay on the TTTC board, but if you do on day, I know you won't be there long!

And the support you lend to me is appreciated more than words will EVER say.

Anonymous said...

Sending you hugs.

Amy said...

You're welcome! :) Fingers crossed that this is your cycle..