Never before did I think I'd be sharing my thoughts with, essentially, the world about my bo.obs...but here I am.
Waaaay back in the early 2nd trimester I had some nip.ple soreness. Not a big deal and completely normal. I was happy to have the symptom, as many of my pregnancy symptoms had been fairly mild. It didn't last long, but at least it was something :)
Fast forward to this past Saturday. The nip.ple soreness was back. Again, not horribly painful...just there. Unlike earlier in my pregnancy, though, the discomfort persisted throughout the entire day and into the next morning. I had read plenty of books that said leaking colostrum would be a normal end-of-pregnancy symptom, but it mentioned nothing of pain (unless I had blocked it out). I checked for leakage a couple of times throughout the day and saw nothing.
I began to wonder if this was normal and if it would last through the remainder of my pregnancy. I then posted a message to my favorite women asking if it was normal and, after posting, thought I'd check again for leakage. I looked down at the nipple that was achy and saw that yes, there was actual fluid there. Wow! They aren't broken (well, at least the left one isn't...)! I decided that DH needed to see, but he was out in the car in the driveway installing the carseat base, so I used the remote for the other car to make it honk the horn and then beckoned him to come inside. He obliged and I showed off my body's newest trick. He, of course, was amazed. Or grossed out. I couldn't tell which in the moment.
I went back to the computer and posted again to report back on my newest findings. As I was writing, I realized...holy crap, that means that my body really is preparing to have a baby. Wow. The ladies confirmed that I was normal (and lucky that the colostrum hadn't begun leaking until now) and that, yes, I am having a baby. :) They also suggested I start wearing a nursing bra or something equally supportive. I haven't invested in any nursing bras that fit me now (assuming my brea.sts would grow as the milk comes in), so I settled on a low-quality sports bra for sleeping last night. It did help the discomfort, but felt really weird sleeping with a bra on!
This morning I woke up with some discomfort in my right nip.ple and when I went to get in the shower, there was a teeny bit of colostrum, there, too (after a little squeeze). So now I sit at work, paranoid that I'm going to start gushing at any moment...but of course haven't done anything about it.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the most recent report on the status of my More at 11.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 day ago
Haha, yay! It's super weird to post that on teh Internets, right? I'm excited for you that your body is working, but bummed that my body apparently gave up on that idea. I haven't had it happen again since the time I posted about it.
My gosh, I can't believe how close you are! It seems like just yesterday you made the big announcement and now that little bundle of beautiful is just about to arrive! I'm so excited for you, and I cannot wait to see you glowing with love with your daughter makes her appearance...
Ditto Julie!!!! I can't wait to see this new little baby!
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