Just spent 3 minutes staring at the stupid stick, willing a line to appear. I thought I saw one...definitely a figment of my imagination, as each time I would see it, it would be in a different place. So yeah. BFFN.
Of course, I would be losing hope right now (especially since I'm feeling a little bit crampy) if it weren't for my friend, S. She didn't get her BFP until 13 dpo. So I suppose there's still hope. Not much, though. Now I just wish AF would come so we can move onto cycle #3.
Disclaimer: Yes, I realize 3 cycle is still WELL within the normal range. And yes, I am well aware that there are MANY people to take longer than that. I had a lot of people who told me they were sure it would take us no time to get pg....and I sort of held onto that, apparently. So I'm sad. And while I know I am allowed to be sad, I feel bad for being sad since I know many, many women who waited much longer for a BFP.
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
Hey silly - you're WAY early! I have a neat little chart that shows you % chance of implantation by dpo that I'll message you with. Typically the majority of people implant on 10dpo and the HCG shows up 2 days later. Hold out until Tuesday if you can! (((HUGS)))
Thanks--kind of needed that. I guess just based on my chart, I figured my best chance at implantation was around 5 dpo, with the temp dip and large rise.
You're absolutely right--trying to keep my chin up until at least Tuesday--thanks :)
I got my BFP with the boys at 13dpo...
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