Friday, May 29, 2009

Free Willy!!!!

Yes, we're getting quite the menagerie...this morning was the first time I felt like a beached whale. It was pathetic. I had the hardest time rolling over to get myself out of bed.

If you look at me, I'm really not all that big still. But somehow this belly is weighing me down!

Picture this. I was on the right side of the bed (when you are in it) laying on my left side. I need to roll over to my right side, sit, then stand up. I had a couple of failed attempts at the rolling over. Then I couldn't get my feet to the floor so I could sit up. DH tried to help by pushing on my butt, but all that accomplished was nearly toppling me out of bed.

Pathetic, I tell you. And I have a feeling this is the beginning of a long couple of months...


Andrea said...


I laugh because I know exactly how you feel!

Anonymous said...


I still bet you're as cute as ever!

Mrs. Hammer said...

Ha! Time to switch to the other side of the bed. It was probably really cute to see though :)