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a mommy, a wife, a friend, a Buckeye, a worker, a chef, a perfectionist, stubborn, crafty...doing it all with a full heart.

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fastest blog post ever

Just a few minutes ago, Baby Girl was standing next to me, looked up, and said, "Potty" and proceeded to try to rip off her clothes (which was really difficult since she was wearing her zip-up pajamas).  I got the pjs off of her and took her to the potty, not expecting much since she has asked to go potty many times and we've gotten nothing.  We went into the bathroom, took off her diaper, she climbed onto the potty and immediately peed! 

I'm still being cautiously excited because she's SO young, but I'm hoping this is an indication of how potty-training will go with her, at least partially.


Sarah Dee said...


D said...

Yay, yay, yay! Go E!!! :)

Mandy said...

Yay! Go big girl go!

Cassie said...

That is AWESOME. Also: Can she come potty train Andrew?