I was just coming to post that I have this gut feeling that this baby is a boy and the fact that the heartbeat (this past visit the h/b was in the 140s or 150s--I forget) and cravings (savory instead of sweet, even though I remember craving savory with Baby Girl sometimes, too) all suggest it just make me even more sure.
And then I was going back through old blog posts and found this. Same doctor appointment around 16 weeks, same lower heartbeat, just like last time. I suppose it is possible this could be a girl. Only time will tell--just over 2 weeks until we find out (hopefully)!
I think I mentioned before that I wasn't enjoying the thought of having a boy. Heck, saying I wasn't enjoying the thought is a gross understatement--I was scared and pissed and anxious about the idea of having a boy. But I've actually started calling this baby a "he" and it really is growing on me. Will I be sad not to use Baby Girl's clothes again? Of course. But whatever God's plan is for this child, it will join our family and it will be what is meant to be and I will embrace it. I think I've convinced myself enough that it's a boy that I won't even cry if the doctor tells us it's a boy. I even have moments where I *want* it to be a boy so The Hubby and his family will be extra happy.
But now it's just a waiting game. We shall see!
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
Oh, you'll cry (happy tears) even if it is a boy. Because the second the ultrasound tech tells you, it will feel so perfect. At least, that's how it was for me. :)
I'm glad you're coming around to the idea of it being a boy. You know how awesome I think boys are.
I'm honestly not sure how well the heartbeat and cravings and such work as gender predictors. The boys' hearbeats were both pretty fast (DEFINITELY above 150), and I craved everything with each of them -- from strawberry milk to BBQ sauce.
I can't wait to find out!!!!
i too really wanted another girl and was even a little bit disappointed at the ultrasound. but I have to tell you, baby boys are awesome! I love my little guy! it's so fun to have one of each!
LOL, pissed? That's an emotion I can't quite figure out in terms of having a baby.
I really hope you find out in two weeks! I remember thinking the one good thing about my bleeding scare with DS2 was that I was *sure* we'd find out the gender at the u/s since I was past 18 weeks. Nope. The doctor tried, but she couldn't see anything. Waiting another two weeks seemed unbearable at that point. :)
Can't wait to hear the news. Ariana thinks you are going to have a girl.
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