Had another doctor appointment today, which means we have NO more appointments before the BIG ULTRASOUND (insert dramatic music here).
It all went well. Of course I've gained another 5 pounds, but whatever. At this point, I'm trying not to stress and just eat well for the baby. We heard baby's heartbeat and it was running between 140 and 150. DH and I are really sure now it's a boy. Yes, I realize the heartbeat really has nothing to do with it, but I was already pretty convinced and now he is too. We'll see in less than 4 weeks, though. Baby kept running from the Doppler, which was funny. We'd hear the heartbeat, then a weird noise. The doctor made sure to say "that was movement, so you know it's moving in there!". She knew I'd panic hearing that weird blip. She finally got it cornered on my right side and we got a steady heartbeat. What a beautiful sound.
I hate to admit it, but I still have a hard time believing there's a growing human being in my body. Weird stuff.
Got my blood taken for the quad screen, too. The quad screen is about 65% reliable and looks for the possibily of Downs, Trisomy-18, and a few other genetic diseases. If we get an elevated result, they'll do other tests to confirm. Not particularly concerned about getting bad results. I suppose it could happen, but I've been pretty laid back lately (totally out of character for me...) about this, so I'm just trying to relax and wait to see if we get any word on the results (in this case, no news is good news).
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
congrats on the successful appt.
and if growing a baby inside you wierds you out--- maybe we should buy you one of these
*evil laugh*
LOL I saw that the other day and all of those cakes totally creep me out...
Wow, crazy to think the next time you have a dr. update you'll know the sex!!!
You're telling us, right?
I already know it's a he. I said that awhile back....
Julian. LOL
I'm glad to hear everything is going well! In regard to your job I guess my best advice would be to focus on your bundle of joy. There are more important things in life such as your growing baby. But food is always a morale booster - plus you can eat some too, for the baby of course.
I'm glad you are relaxed and laid back about everything!
:) How exciting to hear the heartbeat again!
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