Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lots to say...but not much time

I've been incredibly busy these days, but the emotions are swirling and there are many things I'd like to say. However, I'm also ridiculously overwhelmed at work with all the things that need done before baby arrives, so I'm just going to leave you all with a link to a post by my friend Mandy that pretty much wraps up all that I'm feeling (minus the hand falling asleep and getting overly full...but I'm sure those things will come soon enough!):

(she's much more eloquent in her writing than I am and I feel she does a better job of expressing the realizations that I'm coming to these days...)

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Aww, that's sweet of you. I didn't feel like I made a drop of sense in that. But I'm glad to know you feel the same way. It's a bizarre place to be.