Wow, this is all actually real. It's happening. How weird.
The diagnosis list even says "Unexplained Infertility". Damn. That caught my breath. I still don't think of us as "infertile"...don't know when I will, but 6 months definitely wasn't the cutoff for that...
I told the doctor our situation, told her about all the stuff we've done...and she said that about the only other thing she could recommend would be more sex. Um yeah...I'm tired of sex. But then she started talking about diagnostics and I was SO excited. She didn't try to blow me off or anything. She did tell me that she probably wouldn't recommend taking the plunge into treatments, but that it definitely may be a good idea to run some diagnostics, just to be sure we aren't trying and trying and it won't work on our own.
So the first step is a sperm analysis. I've even got the cup in a little brown bag with me right now. Apparently we can "extract the sample" on our own at home and just maintain it around body temperature (many people I "know" put it between their boobs or something in the car) and turn it into the lab. I'm going to ask DH to call them tomorrow and find out when we can get it done.
Step #2 is an ultrasound. I'm scheduled for an ultrasound at 3 p.m. on 10/10 to make sure I don't have polyps or fibroids. I'm not *that* clear on what these are, but I'll be doing my research on them over the next week and a half. Apparently my boss had 9 pounds of fibroids removed a couple of years ago. Holy hell. She said she could feel them externally, though.
Third step will be running bloodwork around CD 20ish which, for me, will be around October 19th or so. The bloodwork will be checking my progesterone level to confirm ovulation and see what that level is.
If everything else comes out good, the fourth step will be an HSG, which will check to be sure my tubes are clear. I imagine that will be sometime during the next cycle if this one doesn't work.
And I totally agree with the doctor that I don't think I'm ready to start talking about meds and procedures and things...just diagnostics make me feel like we're going somewhere and like we haven't been trying for nothing!
I'm so incredibly happy with my OB/GYN right now...she was very helpful and didn't try the whole "you're young" thing, either...*sigh* So much more relaxed and hopeful now.
And now DH and I have to have a discussion about what to try this cycle. Do I go forth with the next step, Robitussin? lol As if that's a big I think I will--but will talk to DH about it.
Oh, and Miss S., could you please, if you talk to R., ask him to be discreet? I have no idea how DH feels about this whole SA thing and definitely won't need any teasing about it. ;)
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 day ago
I'm so glad she was so responsive to your worries!!! I hope she continues to be. I wouldn't label you as "unexplained" until you have all the analyses done and nothing comes back as abnormal. I'll be crossing my fingers for you!
{{{hug}}} I'm glad your OB was helpful and supportful like you needed.
And, don't worry, I don't talk to R. about it. I feel a little wierd myself reading it because its so personal and I don't know how appropriate it is. If there is ever a point when you want IRL people to not know, just send along the message.
I'm so glad she was responsive! It has to feel so good to feel like you are at least moving toward some answers. I was thinking of you the other day, thinking how I feel like I've been right here with you on this journey because I've read your blog, and I can't even imagine how it must have felt.
Please keep us updated with whatever you hear! I'm rooting for you guys.
Just checking in on you. I'm so glad that your doctor is being so aggressive - that's fantastic!
That is GREAT news. Okay, not great like wonderful but great like she's on your same wave length and it going to do what she can to help you NOW. I love it!
Great news!
I'm so glad that you have an ob/gyn who will listen to you. I agree with aren't labeled as "unexplained" until your tests come back that way. Keep your chin up. I'm glad you are getting down to the nitty gritty of why this isn't working. I hope you have answers soon!!!!
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