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a mommy, a wife, a friend, a Buckeye, a worker, a chef, a perfectionist, stubborn, crafty...doing it all with a full heart.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Answering Liz's Question

Liz asked:

How are you doing with the weight after the baby? With losing so much before you got pregnant has it come off quickly? Or are you struggling?

I am totally struggling. I touched on this in another post, but I've been really nervous about cutting back to be able to lose weight because I don't want to cut my milk supply, so I haven't done nearly enough to lose any weight. At 6 months postpartum, I'm about 20 pounds less than when I delivered and about 30 pounds more than when I got pregnant. I'm frustrated by this, but not frustrated enough to jeopardize my supply by cutting back.

I thought had I learned a ton while I was losing all that weight. I had...but I just haven't stuck to it again like I thought I would. I still viewed it as a lifestyle change and it's what I'll do again when my life isn't consumed by making milk for my baby, but it is on the backburner for now.

I was tracking my food intake on SparkPeople, but have sucked at that recently, too. Even in doing that, though, I found I was eating more fruits and veggies than I had been previously. So even just writing it down made me more conscious about what I was putting into my mouth. DH and I have done a TON better about eating out every night, but I'm afraid that will be jeopardized as he starts a new position with work and starts working crazy hours again.

The thing I worry about most is that I won't ever get thinner again before we try for baby #2. No, we aren't planning on having a second right away, but if I wait until baby girl is weaned to start losing weight...well, it just might happen, which means I'll be piling pregnancy weight back on top of this first pregnancy's weight.

I suppose now that I'm conscious of my concerns maybe I'll keep them in mind and make sure they don't happen, eh? I do want to have a bit of time between weaning baby girl and trying for #2, so I'll be using that time to get healthy again. And I have a feeling with #2 I won't be eating as much junk food as I did with baby girl. I love my junk food, but I love not feeling like a whale even more!

1 comment:

Liz said...

It is SO HARD to lose the weight, imo. I'm glad to hear you're starting to get better about your eating. Thanks for answering my question :)