Here I am, minding my own damn business, working my ass off (having just gotten yelled at by the boss for being way behind on this work that I couldn't get done if I worked 12 hours a day), supposed to be getting help from everyone....and I can't focus and am blogging because there's a baby. In my office. Squealing, crying, whatever...with everyone ogling, giggling, oohing, and ahing...and I'm about to go crazy. I love babies. No, correction: I love babies that belong to people I know. But this is some random person's baby. Interrupting my damn work that I'm struggling to get done. That I'm supposed to be getting help on from people that are busy with the baby. And I want MY baby. I want a baby for people to ooh and ah at. I want MY baby to interrupt other people's work.
Ugh. I'm not normally this bitter. But today I am. Probably because of the stupid stress at work. Because I'm taking the brunt of this stuff not getting done even though it's because the people that are supposed to be helping aren't.
I hope the coworker doesn't read this and get upset. She might. No reason to get upset--it's just me venting and being upset about a baby. But I'm still posting because I have to get this off my chest.
Unexpected gifts
1 week ago