Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The deed is done

DH went this morning for his SA. I was going to buy him some materials for his viewing pleasure, but he pulled out the pictures I gave him for our first anniversary instead :)

So $255 later, we should have results in 3 to 5 days to my OB office.

And he has officially done his part. I hope above hope that it isn't a problem with him. Well, actually, I kind of hope it isn't a problem with either of us. Maybe it's just taking a bit longer for no real reason. Maybe we just need to learn to be patient. Maybe it's a lesson to me that some things just don't come easily.

So next we move onto an u/s. I've got a date this Friday at 3 p.m. with the dildo-cam. Don't worry, we'll use protection.

I should O either this weekend or early next week (tends to fall on either Monday or Tuesday). So you know what this weekend will bring....bow chicka bow bow ;)

You might notice the tone of this is a little more light-hearted. I don't know if it's the 6 months of experience, the high level of stress at work, or the fact that we're moving forward with some testing, but I feel more relaxed this cycle. I don't necessarily feel more hopeful, just less stressed about this.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I hope you get the answers you want!!