Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just call me Debbie Downer

I have power. I can bring down the tone of a conversation with a single sentence; stop everyone from talking with one word...I am...Debbie Downer. :(

I just feel like I can't be positive. I've tried and tried, but I am having a really hard time not dwelling on the crap-tastic things we've been dealt recently. I don't want to be the one to drag everyone else down--and thoughts like that make me feel like completely retreating. Better to just not show up than show up and be a total downer. Ugh.

I know people have seen me recently and I've been fine. And a lot of the time recently I have been feeling fine. But these last couple of days have really gotten to me. I feel very little hope that things will work out in the near-ish future. I feel pretty sure that we have a long, hard road ahead of us. And I hate it. I would much rather be a positive, upbeat person...but today, in this moment, I can't drag myself out of this rut I've sunken into. Heck, I wonder if I should even bother posting this because I don't want to drag anyone else down, too. But I will, just because getting these feelings and thoughts out of my system have to help in some miniscule way.


Liz said...

You're allowed! You can say whatever you feel...this is YOUR blog. We just read to give you support :) And if someone is upset by you being down, then they can go blow goats. :) Please don't stop posting when you feel this way. I think you're helping out other women realizing that their feelings are valid and they aren't alone in the rollercoaster of emotions.

I wish I could wave my magic wand for you. All the ladies who have t-ttc break my heart each time I hear of a period coming.

Does this mean that you started spotting today?

Allison said...

Actually, as of last bathroom trip, I hadn't. But we'll see--as you can tell, I don't have a lot of hope of staying that way! It was mostly in response to not getting my progesterone b/w results and just doubting they're okay...

Melissa said...

((HUGS)) from Arizona!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.