Monday, January 19, 2009

We Made It!

Twelve weeks today and I'm feeling pretty darn relieved. No, it doesn't take away all my worries (for all I know, something could have happened between my last doctor's appt and now or something could still happen), but this was definitely a milestone I've been aiming towards since day one. And here we are.

Now just one week and one day until our next doctor's appt and a real confirmation that baby is still okay.

As for symptoms... The nausea and food aversions are pretty much gone. I've still got a consistent runny nose (I call it old lady nose b/c I've always got a tissue dabbing at my nose). I still feel pulling in my tummy. My tummy is definitely getting a bit larger--it seems the bloat has turned into my uterus starting to poke out. I'm still pretty tired a lot of the time, but not quite as bad as before. Making a baby is hard work!

But wow....TWELVE WEEKS!!!!!!


Sarah Dee said...

YEA! Hurray for P! 12 weeks, wow.
I am so excited to see you this week.

Mrs. Hammer said...


Erin said...

you're right, making a baby is hard work, but you're doing a great job!

Natalie said...

Yay! Congrats! You are right making a baby is hard work.