I've recently realized that there *are* people out there who are curious how I'm doing (hi! and thanks!)...so I thought I'd post a quick update about this cycle.
Today is CD 13, which means we're quickly approaching that magical, FWaP-ful time of the month.
We're trying a different approach this cycle. It seems that we might have been BDing a bit too much in the past and depleting DH of his "good swimmers". So we're trying to take it easy and I'm trying not to be quite so neurotic. :)
So we BD last night. And it was fun. And that was the point--it wasn't really to BD. It was just to have sex. And it was good.
Of course, as of yesterday I thought I'd be getting my last High reading on the CBEFM today and tomorrow I would get my first Peak. Then we'd BD either tomorrow night or Thursday morning and that would give the....ahem...."swimmers" time to replenish before go-time and I would O on CD 15, Thursday, like the last 3 cycles.
I think my body hates me. I think it's trying to teach me that there are really some things you just can't plan. And I resent it.
Yup, got a Peak today. So that means I should O 12-36 hours from that Peak reading. So anytime between 6:30 tonight and 6:30 tomorrow night (ie. NOT on Thursday). So now we have two choices:
1) BD tonight, giving DH's body about 24 hours to build his sperm supply back up and hopefully BDing right around the time I O...OR
2) BD tomorrow morning, giving DH's body about 33 hours to build his sperm supply back up and pray that we BD early enough.
A friend's RE told her to BD on the day AFTER her 1st Peak and to lay down for 45 minutes afterwards...which is what I want to try this cycle. If we wait until tomorrow morning, we'll be a little late to work, which is actually okay since we have to stay late tomorrow anyway. If we BD tonight, it'll have to be a bit earlier b/c if I lay down for 45 minutes too late I'll fall asleep and I do need to get up and pee so I don't end up with a UTI.
Such decisions!
We'll know tomorrow morning whether I O today or tomorrow (if my temp spikes tomorrow morning, then I Oed today...if the temp is still low tomorrow, it seems that I'll O tomorrow).
I hate this game. I hate not knowing what will happen. I hate taking chances and rolling the dice and possibly wasting a cycle by BDing too often or not often enough or missing the O.
But I'm still here, so no worrying about me. I'm just doing my darnedest to relax this cycle, even if it doesn't sound like it from my last rant. I'm even planning on having a glass of wine tonight!! :)
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
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